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Sparkling Stars of KutchValley
It just seems yesterday that we started performances but time is flying fast and we will be celebrating 15th year soon. A milestone indeed to celebrate, Krystal diVali – 15 Sparkling Years Of KutchValley. The energy from participants and support from community is what has been bringing this event together year over year. Without …
Fence contractors – compiled
Red Oak Landscape. Email: redoaklandscape@yahoo.com http://www.redoaklandscape.com/ (The flagstone steps on the front page is work he did for us, but he does fences, too). ———————— We had good luck with Marsh fence co. Theirs was the lowest bid and I hated the guy who came out to do the bid, …
Shizen Vegan Sushi (+ Jain Options)
Goodies Homemade Ice Cream & Fudge
This is a recent discovery for us. We tried this Ice-cream place – Goodies Homemade Ice Cream & Fudge. It’s a Gujarati family owned business and the owners are Ajay & Falguni. We tasted the following flavors: Coconut-Pineapple, Guava, Mango, Chocolate Hazelnut, Coffee & Chocolate They also carry flavors like …
The Lowdown on KV Participation in India Parade
Some of us have been wanting to field a KutchValley float in the Indian Independence Day Parade which happens in Fremont around Aug 15th weekend. Some of you have privately supported the idea in your talks with me. This year we did some research and contacted the organizers and other …
Managed Care for Parents
Starting this post since this is going to affect many of us at some point. Recently during the Swades Independence Day celebration in Milpitas there was a booth by a company called “Munshiji 24×7 which caters to NRIs who have property and parents in India. They provide property management and …
Canadian Rockies (Banff & Jasper) and Glimpse of Vancouver
Cooking Recipes / Website recommendations related to food..
Sharing Jayshree’s receipe of Paneer schezwan-Paneer cubes, green bell pepper cut in cubes, onion, mushroom, broccoli florets ( steam it a bit but not over cook).In a wok heat oil add all the veggies and paneer. Keep on stirring lightly on high flame. Add salt ( carefully since soy sauce …
Bay Area Restaurants, food joints, south Indian Places,Dessert places, SFO Food Joints..
There are so many restaurants in bay area. we must have tried various cuisines. some of us which we might have tried you must have not and same with us there will be small joints like Satkar which will be good and we will not be aware of . Besides …