Facebook (FB) IPO

Facebook is going IPO in next few days. We had started a similar post during LNKD IPO which proved very popular (31 responses). So its but natural that we start a post to capture the mother of all IPOs. As compared to LNKD offering, this time folks who have a …


Camping 2012 Discussion

Hello Campers, Campsites are booked. Kutchvalley-event mailing list will be set with confirmed & expected campers. Most important part of any event is food, which can be difficult at times to decide then campsite location 😉 Let’s open up discussion for this years camping menu. 🙂 For two night camping …


Another Bowling Nite

Thanks to Bhavini for forwarding this Groupon Coupon Some favorite restaurants in Bay Area For $15, you get two hours of bowling and shoe rental for two people (a $42.06 average national value based on two people bowling four games each in two hours). For $25, you get two hours …


And another goodbye

Come tomorrow and we lose another family choosing to return to the motherland. Yes Sejal & Mithil return back to India tomorrow. We have spent lot of good times with this wonderful family and while those times may not come back soon, we have the memories of these good times …


Cold Stone applied to Cereals

Lately me and kids have been having a mix of cereals as general snacks. We have 6 to 7 different kinds of cereal boxes at home. Each one of us chooses the cereals that we want. There is a wide variety to choose from (Mango, Strawberry, Banana, Fruit and Nuts …


Bahamas + Key-west

Had an amazing trip to Bahamas and FL Keys. Total 9 days: – Took a 4 day cruise (NCL) from Miami. – 2 days in Miami Beach city – 3 days in FL Keys (drive to key-west is just awesome. We stopped at multiple state park beaches while on our way …
