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Reserve your @outlook.com address
Microsoft is renaming its Hotmail service to Outlook.com. Reserve your @outlook.com address. I have. http://ibnlive.in.com/news/goodbye-hotmail-hello-outlook-top-10-features/276941-11.html
London in 5.5 days !!!
London – A place to see the Royal collections, Palaces and Museums, Underground trains and much more. A brief summary of the visit to London during Summer 2012.
Glimpses of Mumbai 2012
Some of the changes/observations from the recent Mumbai trip.
Riviera Maya – Cancun!!!
We recently went on a week long vacation to Riviera Maya- Cancun!!! Perfect Holiday destination with awesome tropical blue beaches, white sand, warm to hot weather and an activity for each age group be it kids or adults. We took a flight from SF to Cancun International Airport. Direct flight …
The One Year Report Card
Its been 1 year since we moved to India. We miss you all KVites more than anything else. Its been an interesting ride with the expected ups and downs. The first 6 months were a bit uphill while we started things from scratch here in Pune and getting used to …
Medical services in bayarea
Ridiculously Expensive
I find Baskin Robbins ridiculously expensive!! The prices on the menu + VAT + Waffle cone + extra topping = not worth the amount of money. The ice cream flavour you choose, you don’t know if it belongs to regular, classic or premium category. And we too don’t ask while …
Why Are Kids So Spoiled?
The article refers to American Kids but I think its true for India as well. :-). A very good read for all parents. http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/books/2012/07/02/120702crbo_books_kolbert?currentPage=all Credit: Sanket’s post in facebook.
Farm Factory
When I first came to US and lived in Mid West for a while, I was surprised to see an inverse relation between income levels and obesity. Proportion of obese people is higher in lower income strata. And the reason is America’s food industry. Most families in Mid-West thrive on …