Global Winterland

Few of us had bought Groupons for the Global Winterland and went there this weekend. It was actually a very nice experience. I had not been there last year so can’t compare with last year. The groupon included entry to the park, entry to Great America Theatre for shows and …


Mass Shooting and Gun Industry in USA

This is yet another instance of Mass shooting in a public place.–abc-news-topstories.html It really bothers me and has left a scare in me when we are at any public place. May sound little paranoid but a series of mass shooting over past few months is something to worry about. …


Friday Humor

Difference between “Complete” and “Finished” : When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. But, when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!” When you are newly married you are  “Love Birds” and …



Date Night Movie- James Bond 007. I Absolutely Loved It. Liked Daniel Craig as James Bond in the Casino Royale and this one. I am not a big fan of watching movies in the theater but this one is a must watch in IMAX. Superb chase and fight sequence, stunning …


Need a cook

Can anyone refer a Cook who can come and prepare food everyday or every other day. Preferably a Gujarati cook who can make Jain food. (in Santa Clara near El camino Real X Lawrence Exp)


Hike this Thanksgiving thursday (11/22/12)

Weather forecast shows sunny on thanksgiving thursday. Folks interested for a hike @ Rancho San Antonio @ 9.30 am ?? Folks with younger kids could do the stroller friendly one and others could do the challenging route. Since it’s thanksgiving, restaurants will be closed, so we could also do lunch …


Ninja Kitchen System & Vitamix

Do any of you own Ninja kitchen system or Vitamix? I bought Ninja kitchen system from Costco a few days ago. According to advertisements you can chop/make juice etc. Chopping the veggies is good but when I tried juicing grapes & apples, despite adding water i felt like it had …
