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A post about Florida
Florida known as the sunshine state, is not a new place.
Lot of KVites have been to Florida but since there isn’t a post on KV – an attempt to document some of the highlights and also hopefully folks who have been there get motivated to share things they liked/disliked etc 🙂
Mountain View City -Movies in the Park
Summer is here and so have summer events started all over the place. City of Mountain View hosts movies on Friday night. Every week they host movie in a different park. Great Friends and Family event. People generally carry picnic dinner and arrive at park around 6.30-7.00 PM. It is …
Noahs bagel ingredient list
Noahs bagel is a popular bagel joint. FYI, Most if Noahs bagels are eggless: Here is the link for Noahs Nutrition
Entertainment tax /Paid KV access
Prashant and KV seniors created excellent platform (Kutchvalley) for Kutchi youths coming to silicon valley and everybody is enjoying lots of activities – camping, picnic and networking opportunities. This is for community and it should be free. But, there are memberships everywhere you go. As KV member, we are little …
Insurance for visitors
Has anyone used or heard of someone else using www.multichoiceinsurance.com to get insurance for visistors to US? What have you used in the recent past to insure your near and dear ones on their visit to the US?
Affordable great America tickets
Any suggestions on where I can buy affordable great America tickets for a single visit. Also any tips on buying a season pass and things to do in the park for a 4 & 8 yr old Thx
Crave hot Rotli?
How many of you would be willing to buy something like this? New home
Black mountain timed hike 7-9 am
Has anyone tried making doughnuts at home ?
June 7th is National Doughnut Day. It’s interesting what all kind of days exist .. And that brings a thought, wondering if anyone has tried making doughnuts at home ?