KutchValley Stats : 2018

Kutchvalley Stats for 2018 1) Number of Members : a. Number of Email Addresses in Alias: 505 We started 2018 with 476 email addresses in this alias and now we are exiting 2018 with 505 email addresses (Note : This does not mean 505 members. There are some duplicates, etc. …


Camp KV 2018

This year we are trying out Camping during Labor day weekend (Aug 31-Sep 3). Venue is: Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park 47225 Hwy 1, Big Sur, CA 93920 https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=570 For newcomers to Camp KV, you will need to bring your own tent, sleeping bags, comforters, etc. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner are …


Post Natal Massages in Fremont

I’ve got numerous inquires from people in KV and outside to share contacts of those who do Postnatal massages. I have complied a list of those who I know offer post natal services around Fremont area. If you don’t find anyone in your city, I would recommend checking yelp, nextdoor and …


KutchValley Stats 2017

Kutchvalley Stats for 2017 1) Number of Members : a. Number of Email Addresses in Alias:  476 We started 2017 with 443 email addresses in this alias and now we are exiting 2017 with 476 email addresses (Note : This does not mean 476 members. There are some duplicates, etc. …


Kutch Nahi Dekha to Kya Dekha

This catchphrase is so true. My trip to Kutch was unlike none other. Usually, we would go for a two-day trip and rush back to Bombay. However, this one was different, long 7 days (including travel time) and much more fun. We were 5 adults and 2 kids and comfortably …


Meet the Unstoppable Walking Man of KV

There is only person who has been topping the KV fitbit group records for every month, every week, the unstoppable walking man and he is our dear Nilesh Buricha. He amazes all of us with his walking rigor and routine. And blessed that he responded to this e-dialogue within hours of me sending him. Thank you for this inspiration, motivation and challenging others to meet their daily goals. Keep it up !!!
Follows the e-dialogue with him –



Have you ever wondered about the inconspicuous people in your lives. People that you don’t know personally but you keep seeing them regularly in your day to day life at about the same time of the day.  This can be the crossing guard helping children cross the roads at school …
