Dolores Park San Francisco

While we all know of Golden Gate park in San Francisco but this is another great location to have a family picnic in the city of San Francisco. A different kind of park that has lots of activities and action going on. It is located in the mission district in …


The Rise, Fall, Rise of the Joke

Penning down some random thoughts. I remember the mid 1990s when the internet was NEW, email was new. Everyone was excited at the possibilities of free communication. There started a trend where we forwarded jokes to each other via email. We sent online greeting cards to each other. It lasted …


Heart Health Presentation

On exercise: Everyone knows about the benefits of exercise to health and longevity. What is the evidence on the type of exercise and its benefit? Which is better – the intensity or amount of exercise? What is the best time to exercise?

On food: Are you ready to dispel the popular myths about diet and nutrition? Did you know that the “Diner” is as important as the “Dinner”? What about “Grains” vs. “Greens”. Are “Fats” necessary? What about nuts? And sodas?

On rest: What is the significance of sleep? How much is healthy? What is the evidence on meditation? What is the concept of restful alertness? How does it reduce stress?


The Two Year Report Card

Its been 2 years now since we moved back to India from the USA. I had written a one year report card on completion of our one year in India. And now is the time to write the two year report card. Time really flies.


Any mobile APP developers?

Have you developed a mobile app or part of a team that does mobile APP development? Looking for some help in this area. Android/IOS app developers, hoping that some of you will respond. Feel free to send me an email @ if you have any questions.
