Things to do with kids when in Mumbai

Picked this up from a post shared by Minati on Facebook….. Found it very interesting so sharing here on KV. Holidays are great back home in Mumbai with friends and family all around all time….. But find it difficult to entertain kids sometimes when other kids have gone to school….. …


Volleyball without a ball

This is a nice ice breaker game. If you have some newcomers in your group and want them to learn the names of other people in the group quickly and vice versa this is a nice way to do it. Credit again goes to Samir/Amisha. You split the group into …


Group Dumbcharades

Samir/Amisha – the king/queen of games recently made us play some interesting games when KV-India went to their semi camping trip to Nilshi. This game is a variation of the game Dumbcharades. It goes like this. People are divided up into teams each consisting of about 4-6 people. A captain …


Metha Re Paan Kutch Jaa Madu

In Summer of 2013, we got an opportunity to visit Kutch. Dimple’s village Nani Khakhar was celebrating the 125th anniversary of the temple. The celebration was 5 days long and filled with programs. Our last trip was in 2003 – before Kairavi was born. So both Kairavi and Suravi had not visited the land of their ancestors before this. I myself have not visited Kutch that often. Maybe 2-3 times before this in my lifetime.
