Gaam Panchaat (Q1-2015) : Gaams G-L reporting
We continue our Gaam Panchaat with this post being open for recent updates from people whose Kutch Gaam falls in G-L range. Our post for updates from Gaam A-F is here
We continue our Gaam Panchaat with this post being open for recent updates from people whose Kutch Gaam falls in G-L range. Our post for updates from Gaam A-F is here
Recently, we discovered that there is a local history museum within two miles of my house. Miloni had a field trip at that museum. I had never heard about that museum before. It is just a old fire department building. I volunteered so I went along with Miloni’s class. It …
This post created to collect references for Family Doctors / General Practitioners. Recently we collected a list of Pediatricians. But now we want Family Doctors and General Practitioners. There was an older post (2006) “Would you like to recommend a doctor?” which got replies mostly related to pediatricians. So don’t …
Gaam Panchaat is back again. We promised we will do this once a quarter. So now is the time for Q1-2015. Last time we dealt with Bay Area Cities. This time we will target your gaam in Kutch. So if your gaam starts from A through F then please provide …
The email lists KutchValley and Kojain-BayArea have finally been merged as of Feb end 2015. We will now communicate on one email address which is Some notes: 1) now has about 350+ email addresses. 2) kutchvalley@yahoogroups is now a moderated list (with multiple moderators) 3) As always when …
A man was recently arrested this week in Milpitas on charges of being an ATM shoulder surfer and withdrawing money from ATMs after people had left the ATM without making sure that their session had ended. Here is the article Milpitas post reports “The preliminary investigation revealed the victims used …
Came across this site – MitrMilan ( advertises itself as Quality Outings for Seniors. Many a time when parents come to USA, they are bored sitting at home. This could provide them with an opportunity to meet with other parents and do things independently of their kids. Nice idea, not …
“I’m not only a vegetarian! I’m a dessertarian!”– I am always on the lookout for eggless desserts . It would be wonderful to have a comprehensive list of all good dessert places around. Sharing some places that I like, would love to get some recommendations. 1. CREAM( Cookies Rule Everything …
This time along with the other normal team based betting pool, we are also going to experiment with Fantasy Cricket League. (Thanks Bhanik for the idea). Entry : 5$ (paypal to You can create your team at : (Register first, Select team name and then Select players) Once …