A good End to 2005

Kutchvalley folks had NEW Year’s EVE party on 31st Dec 2005. And yes it was lot of fun. Thanks to Prashant and Dimple for organizing a wonderful event. As usual our enthusiatic kutchvalley folks came up with ideas for the party. Prashant ( who always has lots and lots of …


Restaurant- Das Prakash

Hi All, We had been to this South Indian Restaurant Das Prakash for lunch. Its on San Thomas and Homestead…We liked the Sambar and Chutney better than SarvanaBhavan…It was good food…..pure Vegetarian….and ask for their special Amrut Kala halva thats not on the menu……


Holiday Lights In the Bay Area

[photopress:xmasinpark.jpg,thumb,centered] Back in India, during the Ganesh festival we used to reserve one evening for visiting the various Ganpati pandals in different areas to see their decorations and the Ganesh Idols. Here in the US there are no Ganesh Pandals. However there are Christmas decorations and lightings to see. So …


Cicero’s Pizza

One can always rely on recommendation from KutchValley member. We went to two places suggested by two different members and at both the places food was well enjoyed. Jeegar had once mentioned about pizza place during conversation & we decided to try it out. This is family run pizza place, …


The 2 Musketeers about to embark on a new adventure

[photopress:bhavesh.jpg,thumb,centered] [photopress:jeegar.jpg,thumb,centered] Our 2 brave bachelor musketeers (The third one ran away to L.A.) are about to take on an adventure of another kind: Marriage. The adventure begins this Chrismas for both these brave men. So In early Jan, we will have 2 new kutchvalley members Deepa (Bhavesh’s better half) …


Changes for the better

Hi All There have been some changes to the kutchvalley site. On the cover (www.kutchvalley.com) everything still appears the same but underneath we are now using the opensource blogging software “WordPress” for writing articles. This gives us a lot of free goodies some of which are mentioned below: 1) Login …


Creation of God

God created the donkey and said to him. “You will be a donkey. You will work un-tiringly from sunrise to sunset carrying burdens on your back. You will eat grass, you will have no intelligence and you will live 50 years.” The donkey answered: “I will be a donkey, but …


Marketing Skills —- It’s Friday :)

For all the marketing folks …. (Do we have any in kutchvalley?) You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, “I am very rich. Marry me!” That’s Direct Marketing. You’re at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. …
