Deciding which movie to see?

Hindi movies are a favorite weekend activity for many of us. Now with so many movies around and on top of that so many bad movies being produced, you dont want to waste 3 hours of your valuable time on some bad movie. Not sure what is your way to …


Some good sardar jokes

Some jokes to cheer up your day. 🙂 Enjoy. ————————– Santa! Your daughter has died! Depressed, Sardar jumps from 100th floor At 50th floor he remembers I don’t have a daughter! At 25flr:I’m unmarried! At 10flr:I’m Banta not santa ————————– What does a sardar do after taking a xerox? He …


Michammi Dukadam

Hi KV, [photopress:namaste.gif,thumb,centered] First of all i hope all KV tapasvi are in good Saata. On the auspicious day of Paryushan Parva, we would like to ask for forgiveness for any of our deeds, actions, thoughts or words that may have directly, indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally hurt your feelings in …


New Terrorist Threat

FW: New Terrorist Threat Posted by: “Arun Rao” Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:55 pm (PST) NEW YORK, NY – A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, …


Food ingredients

Cannot think of a suitable title for this post, but thought that this may be a useful info for most of us (if you want to be knowledgible about the ingredients in the food that you eat) I am sure all of us like to eat out or cook different …


Happy Independance Day

[photopress:indiaflag.jpg,thumb,centered] Aug 15 , India’s Independance Day. Hopefully one day we “Kutchis” will manage to put up a float in the Fremont Independance Parade. 🙂 On this special day maybe we can post a few nice-to-know facts about India. (Dont include well-known facts like world’s largest democracy. Dont cut and …


Caption Contest

[photopress:spiderwoman.jpg,full,centered] She is wearing red. She has an eye mask. And she is climbing the web. Our very own in-house Spidergirl. 🙂 Any captions for this superhero (Or superheroine) ?
