Who Am I ?

The name of the game is “Who am I”? Stick the paper with any name (of famous politician, actor, actress, prisident..) on the back of a person . All other then read the name on his/her back. The person then can ask question such as “Am I Indian”? “Am I …


Psychiatry – A Group Game

From time to time, We play various group games and many of us are also searching for group games to play during our various parties. With that mind, have introduced a new Category called “Games” which will contain different games that can be played during any group meetings. Hopefully Amisha …


Recommended Food Spots in Mumbai

Diwali party, fun and frolic is over and now many of us are busy packing our bags for the much awaited India trip…. Family, Friends and FOOOD (Shopping) are the three major attractions of India trip…Talking about food (since most of us are from Mumbai) Mumbai is heaven for outside …


Kids Related Websites

The title says it all. This will go in the left hand column as a permanent post dedicated to collecting information about Kids related websites. These are not kids websites but websites which parents can use on issues related to kids. Maya’s mom Berkeley Parents Network Bay Area Kid Fun …


Week at a glance

1) Not to be the one left behind, Bangalore was renamed to Bengaluru this wednesday. 2) Yahoo introduces food website. This site contains links to recipes from ‘Food & Wine’ magazine and Martha Stewart. More soon…


How to fold a T-Shirt in 2 seconds

Do you know how to do this ? If not, there’s a whole slew of websites that SHOW you how to do it. You may have noticed a shift in the web paradigm towards user generated content. However now it seems more the trend of video based content as opposed …
