A Visit to Sagar-Pallavi’s Home in Bangalore

[photopress:sagar1.jpg,thumb,centered] We visited Sagar-Pallavi’s home in Bangalore and stayed with them for 1 night. For those who are new, Sagar and Pallavi used to stay in the Bay Area till 2002 and then they moved to Bangalore (They used to stay nextdoors to Jayesh-Bhavini in Remington Grove). Since many people …


Reva – the electric Car (India)

[photopress:reva.jpg,thumb,centered] We had gone to Bangalore on a short visit and while there we got to ride in a Reva (India’s first electric car). One of our cousins has bought a used one and we rode in that for a day around the city. Now this car is really really …


Mercury News vs Times of India

Years of Mercury News exposure has left me dumb. 🙁 It was such a pleasure to be reading the Times of India for 6 weeks. The TOI contains so much informative material that it is easy to get lost for 2 hours in the newspaper (Now that they supply the …
