Place your bets: GOOG

Google is set to report earnings tomorrow after market closes. How much do you the stock will appreciate or depreciate by End of Market on the next day (Feb 1). Put down the figure of the final stock price as of Feb 1 End of Market. Its about 494$ right …


Parents visiting this summer?

First month on New Year is almost over. Before we know summer will be here too. Usually summer is preferable time for parent’s visit to USA. Are your parents planning to visit you this summer? When? Which airline? We are encouraging our parents to come in April. Jeegar’s parents are …


Baba Ramdev and Yoga

[photopress:baba_ramdev_400.jpg,thumb,centered] One other thing that I noticed on my trip to India this time was the rise of Baba Ramdev during the past 1.5 years. 3-4 people recommended to me the Yoga exercises which Baba Ramdev does on TV every morning. These relatives even claimed to have benefitted from these …


Hindi Nursery Rhymes

If you want to expose your kid to some Hindi Nursery Songs also or If you are tired of singing those English nursery Songs and want to catch up on some new Hindi short songs for Kids here is a nice collection: Some Gujarati Rhymes are also available: …


Abhiwarya and KV

By now hopefully everyone knows that Abhiwarya stands for Abhishek and Aishwariya who are slated to marry soon. How would it be if this concept was applied to KV ? Some very unusual names would crop up for sure :-). For example: Jeegar + Urmi = Jurmi (Jo Jurm Karta …


Evergreen Films

The other day I was just browsing channels on TV and one of the channels was showing Parent Trap starring Dannis Quaid, Lindsay Lohan. I have seen the whole movie once and in parts several times. And yet I watched it for some time before we started watching another movie. …


Humidifiers : Any experience ?

Winter is here and with it has brought dry skin and cold weather. With the heaters on in the home, the humidity is still lower. I have been doing some R&D on humidifiers and seems like Humidifiers help you feel warmer also since more the humidity the less cold you …


Crazy Franks Pizza in Sunnyvale

Someone forwarded me a link (Probably Frank Huguenard himself since his id is fhuguenard) about a desi pizza place in Sunnyvale. The website is It contains links to reviews on Yelp and Jatbar. If anyone tries it out, please post your comments here so that others can benefit. 🙂


Camping 2007 : Some early feedback

[photopress:koas.jpg,thumb,centered] Now normally we dont start planning for Camping this early. But if the “Target” is Big-Sur then we may have to book sites pretty early. Someone pointed out to me that sites in Big-Sur are still available. Many people wanted to go to BigSur since a number of years. …


Apples Apples Apples

[photopress:Apples_3.jpg,thumb,centered] A for apple. B for bada apple. C for chhota apple D for dusra apple. E for ek aur apple. F for fokat ka apple. G for gol apple. H for hazar apple I for itney saarey apple? J for jaao nahi khaana hai apple K for kaise nahi …
