Happy 50th KaVita

[photopress:happy50.gif,thumb,centered] Congrats Everyone for Doing a Good Job in making KaVita reach the 50th edition. 🙂 Since its close to Valentine’s Day, I think that the image is appropriate. It was sometime after the July 2005 Jaina convention that we decided to try out an experiment. An experiment called KaVita. …


KaVita @ 50 : Some Stats

About 222 total posts: Top Posters: Prashant 114 Sneha 23 Bhavini 16 Leena 13 Dimple 10 Nitul 7 Bhavesh 7 Amisha 6 Nilesh 5 Nimit 3 Jeegar 3 Admin 2 Tushar 1 Paras 1 Manish 1 Rupesh 1 Jaideep 1 ======================================== Top Commentors on Blogs: prashant 209 Sneha 109 Bhavini …


SF Indian Consulate – Visa Applications dumping

FYI… I just saw this article on sfgate.com and was alarmed by the sheer ignorance and incompetence of the Indian consulate. It seems that they just dumped all applications into a dumpster without any regards to sensitive data. What’s more alarming is their cavalier attitude towards this: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/02/07/BUGV8NVQNL1.DTL The earlier …


1 month down… 11 to go…

1 month down already in 2007. Did you manage to stick to your new year resolutions this month? Or for that matter do you even make new year resolutions any more. Did you manage to do something different this month as compared to last month? Something positive of course. “NOW” …
