The ‘K’ Factor

I guess most of you know that all Ekta Kapoor’s serial starts with the letter ‘K’. An excerpt from wikipedia – Most of her creations begin with the letter “K” due to her superstition that it brings her good luck and fantadtic reputation. Well i have started to realise that maybe this letter “K” has a some influence on one of the KVites………………………………………………………………………………..

who else but our dear Prashant 🙂


“Hello” says a new Kutchi

Pedam Manikay, Nalo : Apurva Dedhia. Gaam: Faradri and Mumbai and Mountain View. I am into software and recently moved here (about 1 year back). I stay in Mountain View and work for a startup. Good to know that there are cricket and movie enthu folks here. I am myself …


Cricket World Cup 2007 Pool

Hey Guys — lets make a Cricket World Cup Pool…(like the College Basketball ones). We can start doing it just for fun (for bragging-rights) but to make it more interesting and fun, if you are willing then, everyone can put in 5 bucks into the pool, and then we’ll award …


Spring Picnic?

Spring is here and so Spring Picnic must be around the corner. Since many of us get booked early by commitments, lets decide a date for the Spring Picnic. What are the options? This time due to the Cricket World Cup some of the India matches are on a weekend. …


Kids Audio/Video

A post to collect all the Indian audio/video stuff that is available for the kids. Also some of the things may be very very common/easily available in India for e.g. the Meghdhanush audio that we used for the last Diwali party, lot of people from the group had the same …


Interested in A day trip to Tahoe?

Now that we had some snow here in the Bay area mountains, there should be good snow in Lake Tahoe too. Anyone interested in making an uncoordinated trip to Lake Tahoe. Soda Springs Ski Resort has tubing + carousel for kids (as well snowboarding / skiing). For Adults it has …



Hello, Jai Jinendra =) bay area folks….My name’s Kinjal and I know Sanjay Gala and Parul Gala……they told me about this website. Me too a Kutchhi. I hail from Vagad and my hometown is Lakadia…… I’ve been living here in the SF-Bay area for a lil over a year now…. …
