Attributes of a Kutchi

If you were to define what an average kutchi stands for what would it be? The kutchi community is very close knit with many kutchis knowing each other. A community is defined by having a group of people having some common attributes and interests. What are some of the common …


Live from Trinidad

Hi all. Prashant emailed me to write about Trinidad whenever I get here. And so heres it. First, everyone needs to pray tonight before going to bed. This could be India’s last game and we need to avoid that. Trinidad is a colourful and lively island with Indian traditions like …


Circulation of Kids Audio/Video CDs

[photopress:nanhemunnay.jpg,thumb,centered] This post basically meant to circulate 2 CDs related to Kids. We have made copies of 2 CDs and given them to the Gadas (JBJ). They will make copy for themselves and pass it on to whoever is interested. Each person who is interested needs to make a copy …


Skydive experience

Hey Prashant, Thanks for posting my video on K-TV. Guys, It was one of the most mindblowing experiences i have ever had.. I did Skydiving at Hollister, CA (some 70 miles south of San Jose). It starts with they show you a video of Skydiving and they teach you the …
