Seven Seas Park Sunnyvale

  This is a new park in Sunnyvale opened last summer. They have great play structure in the form of a Pirate Ship that has cool slides, planks, rope bridge and climbing nets. The park also has a wonderful water play area and sand box area for the toddlers. Great …


KV WhatsApp Groups

KutchValley has many WhatsApp Groups. Here is the list sorted by number of participants in descending order (More participants does not mean more chat activity though πŸ™‚ ). 1) KutchValley Medavo: This is the general KutchValley group for discussion and info sharing on anything under the sun.Β  About 194 members. …


Ashadhi Beej Celebrations

Happy Ashadhi Beej Celebrations everyone !! Happy Kutchi New Year. I don’t think Ashadhi Beej is celebrated much among Kutchis in general. I could be wrong. If you celebrate it what do you do usually? Prepare some unique “Kutchi” dish? Since we are “Kutch”Valley we should do something as a …


Shared Lists Between Spouses

How do you share your Shopping lists, ToDo lists, Movies to See Lists, other lists with your spouse? In this fast paced life, its getting more crucial to have shared lists so that a couple can tackle things efficiently. Previously me and Dimple were using paper notes, electronic notes (via …


Italy Itinerary

Find the itenary here Italy is all ancient architecture. There are a few things you need to consider before you start your bookings and begin your travel. Transport – Public Transport- Intra city – Italy is well connected by public transport. Travelling within the city is easy but can be …


10 years – A toast to celebrate was started as an experiment by our dear Prashant Shah. The first article was published on July 5 2005 – today marks the 10th year of existence. I am guessing the domain however was secured earlier ! And the first KaVita (Ka: kacchhi, Vita : A short account of …
