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KV WhatsApp Groups
KutchValley has many WhatsApp Groups. Here is the list sorted by number of participants in descending order (More participants does not mean more chat activity though π ). 1) KutchValley Medavo: This is the general KutchValley group for discussion and info sharing on anything under the sun.Β About 194 members. β¦
Ashadhi Beej Celebrations
Shared Lists Between Spouses
How do you share your Shopping lists, ToDo lists, Movies to See Lists, other lists with your spouse? In this fast paced life, its getting more crucial to have shared lists so that a couple can tackle things efficiently. Previously me and Dimple were using paper notes, electronic notes (via β¦
Gaam Panchaat β Q2 2015 β India Suburbs S-Z reporting
Overall this quarter’s Gaam Panchaat has not got as much traction. But we need to run the series to its completion. This post gathered to get some updates from folks whose base suburb in India starts from S through Z. Examples would be : Santa Cruz, Sion, Thane, Wadala, Vashi, β¦
Things to do in Sonoma County (Santa Rosa) !!!
Things to do:Β Β – Zip-lining:Β If you are into adventure, this is totally for you. They have about 8 zip-lines and once you are up there, you have to finish them all to be able to come down. We would totally recommend zip-lining, its lot of fun. It takes about good β¦
Gaam Panchaat β Q2 2015 β India Suburbs M-R reporting
This post gathered to get some updates from folks whose base suburb in India starts from M through R. Examples would be : Matunga, Mulund, Nalasopara, Parel, Malad, etc Sample Post would be something like : βHi, Ashish and family here from Matunga, Mumbai. Last month, we wentβ¦. β The β¦
Italy Itinerary
Find the itenary here Italy is all ancient architecture. There are a few things you need to consider before you start your bookings and begin your travel. Transport β Public Transport- Intra city β Italy is well connected by public transport. Travelling within the city is easy but can be β¦
Switzerland Itinerary
Find the itenary here . Note that the itenary was designed to be a no hush-hush, leisure, driving trip. Swiss is beautiful. There are a few things you need to consider before you start your bookings and begin your travel. Transport β Public Transport- Intra city – Swiss is well β¦
10 years – A toast to celebrate
Kutchvalley.com was started as an experiment by our dear Prashant Shah. The first article was published on July 5 2005 – today marks the 10th year of existence. I am guessing the domain however was secured earlier ! And the first KaVita (Ka: kacchhi, Vita : A short account of β¦