Don’t lie. I know you did it.

Ok. I know you all voted for Sanjaya Malakar at some stage. Any bold folks to come forward and admit to how many votes they cast in favor of our very own Desi Maestro ? I’ll speak up. I cast about 25+ votes at many stages of the competition. And …


Guide to Abbreviations on KV

This post meant for the benefit of those that need to lookup abbreviations on KV from time to time. :-). Sometimes even “maharathis” (read veteren KVs) are stumped by the use of certain abbreviations (e.g. B-MAP) and it will be good to have a reference area for everyone to lookup …


WC-2007 – Its the Final Countdown

The Once in 4 years Mega-Event is finally here. The Epic Ultimate Price in World Cricket. The Finals of the Word Cup Cricket. So what if India is not there. We can still watch and appreciate some good cricket. This post has been setup so that we can hype up …


The Dynamics of liking a song

BhaveshG posted a video the other day about “Happy feet – desi style” which was based on the song “Namak” from Omkara. Now till that point, I did not think much of that song and I did not even know it was from Omkara. But after seeing the video 2-3 …


What an amazing cooincidence !!!

Just found out a few days back based on KV Database that Sanjay1, Parul, Ajay, Amita are all from Wadala (varado) gaam in Kutch. Now that is one amazing co-incidence. (Pardon my ignorance but that was the first time that I knew that there was a Wadala gaam in Kutch. …
