Caption Me
Our next caption challenge comes from Komal. Now you can ask her….
Our next caption challenge comes from Komal. Now you can ask her….
I have seen some ambulances with the spelling spelt backwards like above and also the letters are reversed. Why is that?
Trader Joe’s is one such store which many of us go to. Here you can buy stuff which is hard to find in normal grocery stores like Safeway and Albertsons. Folks, if you don’t want to share which stocks to buy righ now 🙂 can atleast share which such stores …
Does anyone own a good quality steam vacuum. Does it make sense to buy a good one or call the professional carpet cleaners every 6-12 months. Also I wonder that even if you buy a good one, can it be better than the ones that you can rent from HomeDepot? …
Why not make use of the collective intelligence of KV to decide which stocks to buy or which stocks to track ;-)? Which stocks do you think are a good buy right now? We will check back in 3 months and tally the results of your predictions vs actuals? Apple? …
[photopress:mandira_sari2.jpg,full,centered] Recently Mandira Bedi wore a saree with flags of different countries during the Cricket World Cup Telecast. The flag of India appeared at the bottom of the saree and that caused some of the hyper Indians to react by protesting on streets and burning her photos. Mandira eventually had …
Everyone develops a few favorites phrases which they use over and over again in their daily vocabulary. Given a phrase, You can almost identify a person with that phrase. (Something like Match-the-Columns) Have you noticed any such phrases in the people around you? OR How about yourself? Do you notice …
Piderman as Kairavi calls him releases tonight at midnight. Its going to be show in Imax also. Has anyone seen a movie in Imax and recommends seeing movies like this in Imax instead? Since we are speaking about alternative theatres has anyone seen a movie in the San Jose drive-in …
This is actually a blast from the past. On Wed, Mar 21 2001, BhaveshG during a free hour at work sent out the following to kutchvalley. It makes for good humor even today. STATE MOTTO’S (CORRECTED) Alabama: At Least We’re not Mississippi Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can’t be Wrong! Arizona: But …
A few alphabets seem more popular than others in the current generation kids names. I drew up a list of Kairavi’s friends (and our friends kids) and tried to see which alphabets are popular. The numbers below signify how many kids have names starting with that letter in our circle. …