Srasa Kitchen

One of my colleagues introduced me to this amazing fast-food style Asian Bowl place in Mountain view – Srasa Kitchen. Inspired by flavors of Southeast Asia, Srasa Kitchen makes fresh meals fast with build your own rice and noodle bowls with homemade curries and sauces. Surprisingly they had good vegetarian …


New Garba Steps

Lets practice some new steps this Garba season. 🙂 12 step garba 8 step garba 10 step garba 8 step garba Garba/Dandia for Kids



These days pretty much very kid gets some kind of braces & visits Orthodontist. Its our turn to pick one too. And hence looking for recommendation, tip to choose one. While you are evaluating what things to keep in consideration or ask them during initial meeting. Can u meet couple …


Puerto Rico – The All Star Island!

Puerto Rico has been in news over the past couple months…..yes its coffers are empty but still this Caribbean island (unincorporated U.S. territory) has lots to offer to its tourist  – landscape of green mountains, waterfalls and the tropical rainforest of El Yunque National Forest, white-sand beaches, and colonial architecture  downtown, sailing. How …


Why I dislike sugar.

In keeping up with the spirit of 30 days challenge, i thought of sharing my experience with sugar. I have a deep aversion to sugar. I cannot eat more than a bite of cholates/ice-creams/cakes . I am not allergic to sugar, I can eat a lot of it without any …


Instructions to Complete 30 Days Abs Challenge

Days 17,18,19 – Progress Report Starting Date: Aug 3 Pre-Task: Check weight & measure waistline today as shown in subsequent pictures. Keep this number to yourself 🙂 Task 1: Follow the Abs exercise chart religiously for next 30 days How to do sit-ups How to do Crunches How to …


30 Days Abs Challenge

A bunch of us (so far 38 sign-ups) are planning to do a 30-days ab challenge. In addition, we are also planning to give up some of our fav munching items such as ice cream, chocolates, & sweets. It totally up to you on what you want to refrain from …
