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Friday Fun – Office Humor compilation

You know you are a corporate nerd when – 1. You ask the waiter what the restaurant’s core competencies are. 2. You decide to re-org your family into a “team-based organization.” 3. You refer to dating as test marketing. 4. You can spell “paradigm.” 5. You actually know what a …


Office Buzzwords

Ever seen management put a positive spin on a negative concept. If people are fired, the term that I have seen being used now-a-days is rightsizing or rebalancing instead of firing or layoffs. Every heard a used car salesman talk about selling used cars ? Nope. His profession is to …


The Adventure at Lake Elizabeth

A young single kutchi male, wakes up a little later than usual on a beautiful bay-area weekend. He was still a little groggy from the seemingly unending work that he left behind in office the previous evening, unfinished. Earlier in the week, he overcame feelings of disappointment, at the prospect …



Hi to all my KV friends and Jai Jinendra to all my KV uncle & aunts. To introduce myself, I am PAHEL – The ‘Beginning’ of my parents Ajay & Amita Nisar’s parenthood. The new little baby doll for my mischievous brother – Aayush & sister – Aarshi. Right now …


Investment in bullion

Pals,I read following article about gold.Tried to search about pros-cons of this market etc.Anybody following gold market/bonds for gold etc..? If yes, Please share your knowledge about it. Do you think it would be little safe investment down the road?


Pepsi says Aquafina is tap water

CNN recently reported that Aquafina is nothing but tap water. The economic, environmental and sociological costs associated with drinking bottled water are staggering to say the least. It is an indulgence that the world cannot afford. However, all is not lost. In San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom recently banned city …
