Circulation of Kids Audio/Video CDs

[photopress:nanhemunnay.jpg,thumb,centered] This post basically meant to circulate 2 CDs related to Kids. We have made copies of 2 CDs and given them to the Gadas (JBJ). They will make copy for themselves and pass it on to whoever is interested. Each person who is interested needs to make a copy …


The ‘K’ Factor

I guess most of you know that all Ekta Kapoor’s serial starts with the letter ‘K’. An excerpt from wikipedia – Most of her creations begin with the letter “K” due to her superstition that it brings her good luck and fantadtic reputation. Well i have started to realise that maybe this letter “K” has a some influence on one of the KVites………………………………………………………………………………..

who else but our dear Prashant 🙂


“Hello” says a new Kutchi

Pedam Manikay, Nalo : Apurva Dedhia. Gaam: Faradri and Mumbai and Mountain View. I am into software and recently moved here (about 1 year back). I stay in Mountain View and work for a startup. Good to know that there are cricket and movie enthu folks here. I am myself …


Interested in A day trip to Tahoe?

Now that we had some snow here in the Bay area mountains, there should be good snow in Lake Tahoe too. Anyone interested in making an uncoordinated trip to Lake Tahoe. Soda Springs Ski Resort has tubing + carousel for kids (as well snowboarding / skiing). For Adults it has …



Hello, Jai Jinendra =) bay area folks….My name’s Kinjal and I know Sanjay Gala and Parul Gala……they told me about this website. Me too a Kutchhi. I hail from Vagad and my hometown is Lakadia…… I’ve been living here in the SF-Bay area for a lil over a year now…. …


SF Indian Consulate – Visa Applications dumping

FYI… I just saw this article on and was alarmed by the sheer ignorance and incompetence of the Indian consulate. It seems that they just dumped all applications into a dumpster without any regards to sensitive data. What’s more alarming is their cavalier attitude towards this: The earlier …


Parents visiting this summer?

First month on New Year is almost over. Before we know summer will be here too. Usually summer is preferable time for parent’s visit to USA. Are your parents planning to visit you this summer? When? Which airline? We are encouraging our parents to come in April. Jeegar’s parents are …


Baba Ramdev and Yoga

[photopress:baba_ramdev_400.jpg,thumb,centered] One other thing that I noticed on my trip to India this time was the rise of Baba Ramdev during the past 1.5 years. 3-4 people recommended to me the Yoga exercises which Baba Ramdev does on TV every morning. These relatives even claimed to have benefitted from these …


Evergreen Films

The other day I was just browsing channels on TV and one of the channels was showing Parent Trap starring Dannis Quaid, Lindsay Lohan. I have seen the whole movie once and in parts several times. And yet I watched it for some time before we started watching another movie. …
