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Category: General
“ghee boli” in Rajashthan temple
I heard about 125CR-250CR ghee boli for pratistha of Shri Jeerawala parasnath bhagwan in Rajashthan temple. Don’t know the perfect amount and ghee boli is on hold. The person for this boli is manekchand gutka. If anybody has more concrete news please share.. Proud to be Jain..
“Kadu kariyatu” or any other bitter drink/food
any body knows about kadu kariyatu ? how to make it? what is the name of power  and if it is available in Indian grocery stores? any idea about any other such food/drinks like karela?
Avatar vs. Avtaar

 Rajesh Khanna breaks his silence, accuses James Cameron of his latest blockbuster Avatar being a copy of Kaka’s 1983 Bollywood masterpiece Avtaar.  He supported his argument with following proofs,  They copied the POSTER! They even copied my paralyzed hand.  Shabana’s faraway look, copied again.  Do you …
Sachin Breaks the 200 run barrier
The TwitterWorld and Facebook world are ablaze with comments pouring in from everywhere. Capturing some of those comments here. “There are two kinda batsman in the world Sachin Tendulkar and the rest….” “commit all your crimes when SACHIN is playing …coz even GOD is watching him play” realpreityzinta: ” Sachin …
Thought for the Day
“A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” by Leo Buscalia, PH.D
Support the release of MNIK – My Name Is Khan
Mumbai is again being held hostage by a few. If you support the release of the film (irrespective of whether you like the film or srk for that matter) become a fan of the support effort. http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-SUPPORT-the-release-of-MNIK-My-Name-Is-Khan/296824593270 My Name Is Prashant and I support the release of MNIK.
Food for a sick toddler
What do you give your kids when they are sick and refuse to eat anything ?
Mumbai Marathon 2010
Indian Breakfast Place
I remember the first time I went for an outing in USA (White Mountains, NH), we obviously ended up staying at one of the Patel Motel’s. I was super excited seeing the board “Breakfast included”, as I expected some hot poha or upma. Of course I was very disappointed seeing …