પાંજો કુરો?

પાંજો કુરો?   ઈ કચ્છીમે ઈ–મેલ કરે તો, કરણ ડ્યો પાંજો કુરો? પણ પાણ તે મથ્થો હણે તો, હણણ ડ્યો પાંજો કુરો? કોઇ  પણ  વાંચે  નતો, તેમે  વને  પાંજો  કુરો? વાંચે વગર ‘ડીલિટ‘ થીયેં તા,થીણ ડ્યો પાંજો કુરો? પંઢ લખે  ને  પંઢ  ફુલે તો  ફુલણ ડ્યો  પાંજો કુરો? પનઈ પંઢકે …


Notary Service

We had gone to Four dollar notary services www.fourdollarnotary.com in Newark I guess Ardenwood area. They charge $4 per notarized signature. They open from Mon-Sat 9am to 8pm. There service is good. Normally some other places they change more, $4 is pretty good deal.


Movies in the park

The north bay has it good when it comes to showing movies in a park. Check out : http://filmnight.org/fnp2010.htm Any such movies in the park for South Bay or East Bay residents. If you know of any, please post it. Will be fun experience for the kids. I remember i …


Travelling with a minor

I did not know this. Even if one parent is travelling with a minor, you need a document notarized by both parents. Immigration may ask for such a letter on the way out or back as well. This behavior is not consistent. Its possible they may ask for this at …


Anyone have experience with failed smog test ?

Has anyone played with reseting their "Check Engine Light" due to a failed Catalytic Converter ? Has anyone tried finding an after market catalytic converter and convincing the repair shop to install it for them ? Anyone paid the full price for getting a new  catalytic converter  installed ?


Qualities of Great Leaders

I was reading a book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins author of “Built To Last” about companies transforming them from Good to GREAT! The first point the author makes is about great leadership within these companies. What do you think are the qualities of Good/Great Leaders? Any Anecdotes and …


Pick up -drop off to school

Does anyone know what are the rates of picking and dropping child to school or to take in any activity class. any reference or contact nos you have  around Milptias please let me know.. If anyone is using that service can u give some tips.. is it monthly based or hourly based/miles …
