Trick or Treat Events in Bay Area

Trying to find trick or treat events around the bay area. Last year, we had gone to fremont hub. It was nice to see so many kids dressed up. Are there other places around here that hold such events ? Where:Fremont Hub, Mowry Ave. and Fremont Blvd., Fremont When:Oct. 31, …



Change:  In childhood, while growing up, we acquire certain habits, some good some not so good. When we are grownup to face the real world, we encounter with some problems, some of them annoy us, some disturb us and some make us angry. Some time we feel that the other …


SooFoo, super food at Whole Foods This is a super food at whole foods called soo-foo – No sodium, no cholestrol, no sugar, (all 0 g) and high fiber.. Has 5 gms of protein per serving.. It is just a mixture of brown rice, different lentils, barley, wheat and rye berries. It is little pricey about 2.99 a …


Interview humor

Interviewer : Tell me about yourself. Candidate: I am Rameshwar Kulkarni. I did my Tele Communication engineeringfrom BabanRao Dhole-Patil Institute of Technology. Interviewer : BabanRao Dhole-Patil Institute of Technology? I had never heard of this college before! Candidate : Great! Even I had not heard of it before getting an …
