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Category: General
Point Lobos

Point Lobos – Point Lobos State natural Reserve is just south of carmel-by-the-sea. It contains numerous hiking trails with good scenic views,many with ocean views. We parked inside for $5(it includes the trail map). Parking inside gave us the flexibilty to drive from one end of the park to another(helpful …
Wholesale store or dealers
All of us like exploring keep looking for different stuff and regular stuff at good price . when we have to buy for parties, get together we usually go to Costco or Smart and final. There may be many other stores which we are not knowing or aware of. Business …
I found this Hilarious !!!
300th KaVita edition by spring picnic ?
Anyone inclined to help meet the milestone of 300th KaVita by Spring Picnic.
Any new vegetable/fruit you tried this year ?
Recently I got fennel bulb, had never seen this vegetable in India. We enjoyed the taste of this one. Used it in salads, veggie wraps or just slices (like onion) on the side sprinkled with some lemon and pepper. Any new vegetable or fruit that you tried this year? As …
The thoughts begin it, emotions amplify it and actions increase the momentum !
I read this quote after I came home from the shala cookout.
And this very well speaks of the entire shala cookout experience.
Caption ME
Kutch nahi dekha tau kuch nahi dekha

Earlier this year we visited kutch in January. All of us really enjoyed the short visit. We did most of the panch tithi, visited all the gaam’s from both sides and spent some time with extended family as well. Some of you were asking me about options to stay in rann, food facilities etc. Hence this travelogue to summarize.
Waterfront Pizza – Foster City
Fabulous water view at this restaurant. Decent amount of vegetarian food choices.