The Dynamics of liking a song

BhaveshG posted a video the other day about “Happy feet – desi style” which was based on the song “Namak” from Omkara. Now till that point, I did not think much of that song and I did not even know it was from Omkara. But after seeing the video 2-3 …


Happy 50th KaVita

[photopress:happy50.gif,thumb,centered] Congrats Everyone for Doing a Good Job in making KaVita reach the 50th edition. 🙂 Since its close to Valentine’s Day, I think that the image is appropriate. It was sometime after the July 2005 Jaina convention that we decided to try out an experiment. An experiment called KaVita. …


1 month down… 11 to go…

1 month down already in 2007. Did you manage to stick to your new year resolutions this month? Or for that matter do you even make new year resolutions any more. Did you manage to do something different this month as compared to last month? Something positive of course. “NOW” …


Storage Junkies

Many of us are storage junkies. I think this can be deemed as a commonly found trait among Indians in general. We store things in the hope that they will be get used someday. And keep accumulating stuff. Sometimes we think that maybe the stored thing can be used for …


Down the memory lane

So as I watch Kairavi grow up, I obviously get some questions about my own childhood. We can hardly recall most of our early childhood. Which led me to wonder about “What are the earliest memories that you have of your existence? ” 🙂 The lack of too many photos …


Farewell Nitul, Swati, Rashi, Ruchi

[photopress:nitul.jpg,full,centered] This is Nitul and Swati’s last week here. Last July they were not even here and this July they reside in everyone’s hearts. By their friendly nature, unassuming attitude and simpleness they took the super-highway path into everyone’s hearts. The twins Rashi and Ruchi seem to have taken on …


Approaching 25th KaVita soon

Just thought I will put in a few words about Kutchvalley reaching a milestone in that the 25th KaVita will be out in 2-3 weeks. We have many readers but few contributors. Some people are on the verge of contributing. But maybe they are putting it off and unable to …


A fitter Kutchvalley this year?

Are we going to have a fitter kutchvalley at the end of this year? Looking at the event list and the kind of events that we had and will have, it seems so. 🙂 And a fitter kutchvalley means a happier kutchvalley. The Girls already went hiking and are all …
