Law of the Garbage Truck

Came across an insightful article : Want to Be Happier? Learn the Law of the Garbage Truckâ„¢ How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss or an insensitive employee ruin your day? Unless you’re the Terminator, you’re …


Pepsi says Aquafina is tap water

CNN recently reported that Aquafina is nothing but tap water. The economic, environmental and sociological costs associated with drinking bottled water are staggering to say the least. It is an indulgence that the world cannot afford. However, all is not lost. In San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom recently banned city …


Receipt management

Receipts Receipts everywhere. Not a single zone spared. Cannot throw them (for fear that things may need to be returned) and Cannot live with them. 🙂 Ideal scenario would be to have a machine to which you just feed receipts when you get back home. That machine keeps in memory …


Long Lived the Clothes

Clothes dont degenerate as rapidly here in the US as in India which leaves some of us with a rather good dilemma. The wardrobe keeps expanding and inflow of clothes is greater than outflow of torn clothes. Some of the clothes last well more than 7-8 years. This is especially …


Referring to Parents : Tu vs Aain

As the current poll on KV shows, most of us refer to Moms as “Tu” (more informal way) and Dads as “Aain” (a more formal way). Now try to remember what your parents call your grandparents. In my case both my father and mother used to refer to their parents …
