When the lights went out

Do you miss those days in India when the lights went out sometimes. We used to then light a candle and wait for light to come back. Sometime use a newspaper to fan ourselves. If it was not too late, then You would step out of the home and spend …


Some things refuse to die

Some things just refuse to die. There must be some regular use items in your daily life that you started to use long time back and they are still there with you even after x years. For example I have a keychain in the shape of a “shankh” (shell) and …


The age of the digital camera

In the olden days we used to take photos with the “film” camera and photos were carefully and “miserly” taken. Now with the advent of the digital camera and the xGB availability for flashcards, taking lots of photos for any event is now the norm. However its not easy to …


A place for my stuff

While unpacking “our stuff” from camping trip I heard the news about the death of George Carlin – an icon of American comedy and a brilliant wordsmith. He was awarded this year’s Mark Twain award for American Humor. The giant unpacking I went through reminded me of a really funny …


Travel calendar – Parents

I was just thinking that it might be a good idea to put a calendar of sorts that lists people’s travel dates (self, parents, relatives), so that others can use this to co-ordinate companionship on flights. Info might be in the form of: Date/time – Starting Airport/city – Destination Airport/city …


Macro trends and investment

After witnessing a few macro trends in the last couple of years including….. 1) The Rise of India(and related rise in stock market and real estate prices) 2) Real estate boom and following disaster in the subprime market in US 3) Green energy boom relating to the depleting fossil fuel …
