Do You Stumble?

I heard about StumbleUpon. It helps you stumble into sites based on your interests. I found it to be pretty cool. You just have to click on “Stumble! button on your browser toolbar and it will redirect you to a random website based on the interests you have specified.


For Java developers…

Ever get a NoClassDefFoundError or a ClassNotFoundException and wondered what jar file you were missing ? I came across this site today. You can enter the name of the missing class file and it will tell you which jar file contains it.


FM Transmitter

[photopress:fmtransmitter.jpg,thumb,centered] The other day while travelling with Nitul I saw that he had a device in his car hooked into the car power adapter slot. He was basically playing music from it. I asked him more about it and turns out it was an USB MP3 player with FM Transmitter. …
