Why Zunes broke down on Dec 31st?
This is why all zunes went blank on Dec 31st. Can you spot the simple mistake?
Anything related to Technology
This is why all zunes went blank on Dec 31st. Can you spot the simple mistake?
There are many videos on youtube and many a times we just want to listen to the audio of the video and save it as an mp3. I had the need to download such a song into mp3 and i did some research. there is a site listentoyoutube.com which takes …
If you use Outlook Email Client, I recently found a plugin for outlook “xobni” which does various things with your emails. a) It provides a faster search for your inbox. b) It gives various statistics on your mail box. like what is the popularity rank of a person that you …
I heard about StumbleUpon. It helps you stumble into sites based on your interests. I found it to be pretty cool. You just have to click on “Stumble! button on your browser toolbar and it will redirect you to a random website based on the interests you have specified.
Has anyone been able to download this browser successfully ? Both IE and FF gave me errors after clicking on the link to download. I tried this link – http://gears.google.com/chrome/?hl=en.
Ever get a NoClassDefFoundError or a ClassNotFoundException and wondered what jar file you were missing ? I came across this site http://www.findjar.com/ today. You can enter the name of the missing class file and it will tell you which jar file contains it.
If you are using Firefox, there is a plugin available to switch your useragent called User Agent Switcher. Once you install that, then in Tools > User Agent Swicher > Options > Options Click on User Agents and then Add In Description field type in : “Googlebot” and In User …
[photopress:fmtransmitter.jpg,thumb,centered] The other day while travelling with Nitul I saw that he had a device in his car hooked into the car power adapter slot. He was basically playing music from it. I asked him more about it and turns out it was an USB MP3 player with FM Transmitter. …
I am sure at one time or another we have all come across material on the web that we wanted to save a copy on our machines. When the article is on one page or has a printable version, it becomes easier to save the file. But what does one …
I am trying out this new free service from Grandcentral.com which gives you one phone number for all your phone numbers. It has a variety of personalization options. You can set which number (home, work, mobile) do you want to ring for which caller. I reserved an easy number 408 …