The thoughts begin it, emotions amplify it and actions increase the momentum !
I read this quote after I came home from the shala cookout.
And this very well speaks of the entire shala cookout experience.
I read this quote after I came home from the shala cookout.
And this very well speaks of the entire shala cookout experience.
One day an old German Shepherd whilst chasing rabbits discovers that he’s lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old German Shepherd thinks, ‘Oh, oh! I’m in deep doo-doo now!’ Noticing some bones on the ground close by, …
1) Dimag me Ice factory. 2) Zuban par Sugar factory. 3) Dil me Love factory. Phir life hogi satisfactory. .
Jeegs had a hat trick of bad movies recently and we cannot let it go just like that. I think the last time that someone had a hattrick of bad movies was Sneha. I thought of some quotes for Jeegs on this occasion and was wondering whether others had some …
“There are two sides to a Balance Sheet.- Left & the Right ( Liabilities and Assets respectively) on the Left side there is nothing right.. and on the right side there is nothing left “
KV husbands.. I take no responsibility if this gets used against you. The author has rightly decided to remain anonymous.
Alfred Hitchcock – “The length of a movie should be proportional to the endurance of the human bladder” – the makers of Jodha-Akbar could learn from this!!
Anything that manifests itself into a full blown problem is usually preceded by some small indicators which signal the oncoming problem. The key is to recognize those indicators and act on them quickly. You can substitute the word problem with opportunity above and the statement still holds true. Many of …
Its mid-dec and we had a relatively dry Nov and Dec. October was better in terms of rain but Nov and Dec have fallen short of expectations. Looks like trouble brewing ahead in 2008 in terms of water. Global warming effects are finally here????