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Category: Point of interest
Healthy Trails Booklet – Very Nice Guide to Hiking
Thanks to Bhavini and Dimple who both brought my attention to the Healthy Trails article as listed in the Bay Area Parent Magazine. The urls below contains a nice pdf document about healthy trails in the bay area. Very nicely formatted. a) Healthy Trails booklet from sccgov.org website b) Healthy …
DeathValley – The California Desert
During the spring break, finally we visited Deathvalley National Park – the lowest point (below sea level) in north America. April was a good time to visit and the weather happened to be perfect. A drive about 450 miles from bay area, i was worried about how kids will be during …
Yogi Hills Mulund Hike
A trip to Sacramento
The Jelly Belly Factory Tour
Tikuji Ni Wadi – A Nice Resort in Thane
We visited Tikuji Ni Wadi on our recent trip to India. Its a amusement park + water park + resort. Its in Thane. We went during a weekday to avoid any crowds. But when we reached there we
Visiting the Tall Buddha in Hong Kong During Layover
We had a 8 hour halt in Hong Kong and this time we decided to step out to see the Tall Buddha which is on the same island as the airport. Documenting our trip here so that if others have a similar layover they can also visit the Tall Buddha.
Christmas lightings of houses
Here is the address of a very well decorated house in our neighborhood. 6226 Hancock Ave, San Jose, CA. This entire theme is Disney characters. You can see a picture of this house (under San Jose) and others on this website – although the photos really do not do justice …
The Houston Swaminarayan Temple
A few weeks back we went to Houston, TX and there among other places we went to Swaminarayan Temple.
The Swaminarayan Temple there is really beautiful and