Child Care/Education Trivia

What’s the difference between daycare/playgroup/Montessori/preschool? While talking with friends with kids, these terms confused me before baby & to some extend after baby too. I thought of getting my funda clear. Who could be best source to inquire then other moms?


India/Pakistan Cricket Live for $20

Hey guys, just wanted to share a website where you can subscribe to the live video of the entire India/Pakistan Cricket series for $20. I have used this site before, and it has worked fine for me. And once when they had to shut down the matches in the …


Changes for the better

Hi All There have been some changes to the kutchvalley site. On the cover ( everything still appears the same but underneath we are now using the opensource blogging software “WordPress” for writing articles. This gives us a lot of free goodies some of which are mentioned below: 1) Login …
