SooFoo, super food at Whole Foods This is a super food at whole foods called soo-foo – No sodium, no cholestrol, no sugar, (all 0 g) and high fiber.. Has 5 gms of protein per serving.. It is just a mixture of brown rice, different lentils, barley, wheat and rye berries. It is little pricey about 2.99 a …


Aa Gujarat Chhe

GUJARAT IN THE NEWS ! According to the August 8 report of the National Council of Applied Economic Research, the richest city in India is now Surat , ahead of Bangalore and Madras , with an average annual household income of Rs 0.45 million (over  $11,000 per year). 80 per …


‘Poverty Porn’: Education Or Exploitation? As usual this was a good show on NPR with Chitra Divakaruni really explaining the fact that ultimately Slumdog is a movie and yes it does portray horrible things about India, the absolute fact being that they do exist. There is enough research showing that there are 800 people …
