
Any suggestions or recommendations as to which humidifier to buy. I was reading a lot of reviews on different products and was not able to decide. Some of them would either leak or cleaning the humidifier, which i think is very important, was very difficult. Your suggestions would be really …


Cool iPhone Apps

We have lot of iPhone users in our group and some of them are using it since looong time 🙂 So wanted to know what kool apps you have downloaded and would recommend to new iPhone owners. Some of the Apps that i have and would recommend are Shazam is …


Samvatsari Pratikaman

This year some of us are planning to Samvatsari Pratikaman on Sunday 23rd Aug as per Alchalgaach Deravasi Rituals. Ami would be leading the Pratikaman. Location is still not decided yet and for the timings i guess we would be starting the Pratikaman by 3.30 so that we can finish …


Re-imaging Software

Now a days the trend is all about re-imaging and i been wanting to create an image of my PC so that i do not have to worry about re-installing the software’s again. Does any one know of any good re-imaging software or has tried using any re-imaging software ? …


Voh Lamhe with Fog

I wanted to post this article yesterday but anyways … Does any one have memories associated with Fog that you remember and would like to share. I had a wonderful experience and i still remember those moments, when we had gone for Jatra to Girnar (approx 200 people) and the …
