The stranger
Interesting analogy 🙂
Interesting analogy 🙂
A list of restaurants – some have been tried and tested whereas yet to visit few.
I picked this recipe from a Vegan cookbook that I had picked up from library earlier this year. It’s a simple dish with few ingredients and works well for potlucks or days when you don’t feel like cooking a complete meal. I am calling it holiday 🙂 because of cranberries but as such it is a year round dish (dried cranberries are available year round).
You can watch live traffic for some of the Santa Clara County Expressways and bay area freeways. 1. 2.
We’ve been doing May long weekend camping for the last few years now. And December is here which means campground for 2015 needs to be booked soon for a group of our capacity 🙂 Lot of the group campgrounds were already booked during thanksgiving weekend, so we may have to …
New style of mediterranean fast food restaurants that have made an appearance this year.
It’s not a new destination for most but KV website needs a post 🙂
It’s a great resource for local service providers.
Must have seen their sign ‘n’ times in the last few years and finally got a chance to visit. Didn’t have high expectations before clicking on menu (am sure everyone checks for vegetarian items upfront 🙂 ), and amazed at the number of veggie wraps. Lots of smoothie varieties too. …