Dilbert Office Humor

Dilbert: As usual, I worked until midnight last night, mom.

Dilbert’s mom: Well, at least you made some extra money.

Dilbert: I don’t get paid for overtime

Dilbert’s mom: Well, at least it was important work.

Dilbert: Not really.

Dilbert: My boss made me change my “powerpoint” slides, but the changes make them worse.

Dilbert’s mom: Well, at least you’re prepared for your meeting.

Dilbert: It was cancelled.

Dilbert: But that’s okay, because the project isn’t funded anyway.

Dilbert’s mom: So… you worked for free to worsen a presentation for a meeting that won’t happen for a project that doesn’t exist?

Dilbert: YUP.


Boss: Dilbert, put together a team to decide who’ll be on the strategy council.

Dilbert: You want me to form a committee to create a committee that will produce a document that will be ignored?

Boss: No, it’s a team to create a council.

Dilbert’s colleague: Can I be on the team that ignores the document?

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