Before the WC-T20 begins how about a T20 tennis ball game among KVites on either Mar 5th (Sat) or Mar 6th (Sun) ?
We will try to keep it centrally located in Milpitas or similar. Time would be around 9am.
Please indicate availability for either of the days and we will decide which day based on maximum availability.
First preference would be given to members of KV Cricket Chat WhatsApp group.
Till Now Following people are available for Sunday, Mar 6:
Prashant, Bhanik, Harshal, Rohit, Nitul
Following people are available for Sat, Mar 5:
Prashant, Nitul,
Nilay for march 6
Siddhant is in for either day.
Chirag- either day
Hiren for March 6th
Either day is ok.
But it is likely to rain over the weekend so keep an eye on that..
In for Sunday, 6th
Due to Rain this weekend, we will postpone this event to a later date.