Talk about your worst nightmares / fears

We all dream at night. Though we forget about our dreams or can’t remember them but I am sure we might be able to recall few of them because they were terrifying (hence called the Nightmares).
Also people have fear of closed space, height, travelling in plane, etc.

Let’s see what kind of fear do KV folks have and also talk about your nightmares (some of us might have common nightmares:-) )


  1. I have fear of deep water.
    As much as I enjoy water rides, but if I end up in the water deeper that 4 and 1/2 – 5 feet, that’s it, I will just start screaming. I feel like I lose my balance in the deep water.

  2. I am afraid of looking down from really high skyscrapers. I take a quick look and then step really back. :-).

  3. For me, it’s both 1 and 2.

  4. The day that you wrote this, that night i had a nightmare that me and dimple were in a plane driven by our own Smita. :-). Smita forgot how to land the plane and the plane was flying all over the place. Finally good sense prevailed and Smita decided to land the plane in the shallow water near the beach so that even if in case something went wrong the chances of making it would be pretty good.

    We got out of the plane badly shaken up and vowing never to let Smita drive a plane again. 🙂

  5. Lot of these tall structures seem to have a glass window on the floor or a small walkway. And i have a fear about standing/sitting on a glass floor in a tall building.

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