What is your child’s IQ or more recently EQ?
I am sure in this competitive world all parents are worried about their kids IQ, their career choices, etc….
But do you know according to the latest studies there are 8 different types of intelligence and one should not judge their kids only on the IQ scores?
Some insight in the world of Multiple Intelligence would be an Piano artist who may not necessarily be great with numbers and language skills(IQ indicators) but will be high on Musical and Rhythmic Intelligence
A friend of mine who operates a company called Brain Wonders (in India), introduced us to this concept of multiple intelligence and DMIT test.
Some History on Multiple Intelligence:
In 1983 a researcher and professor at Harvard University named Howard Gardner proposed a new view of intelligence that has been widely embraced since its publication, now being incorporated in school curricula across the country. In his seminal book Frames of Mind (New York: Basic Books, 1983), Gardner put forward his “Theory of Multiple Intelligences,” a theory that challenged the dominant definition of intelligence as limited to mathematical and linguistic abilities (verbal and computational intelligences). Gardner theorized that rather than just these two intelligences, a grouping of eight intelligences more accurately accounts for the diversity of ways in which people acquire and utilize knowledge.
What is Dermatoglyphics?
Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science in the study of the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. Its reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. These patterns are formed from the external ectoderm and usually occur during the fetal development stage, The humans fingerprints form are thus formed from the 13th to 21st week.
Medical experts and scientists thus discovered that the amount of brain cells distributed in different parts of the brain helps us understand a person’s multiple intelligences as well as his innate potential capabilities and personality.
Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and how we learn, transforming our lives through a holistic education approaches.
What is the DMIT Test?
Essentially finger prints of the child are taken and analyzed by a software. Once the report is ready it is interpreted by the Counsellor.
They essentially give recommendations on choice of career, extra curricular activities, ideal learning pattern (like visual, auditory,etc) for the child depending on the child’s innate qualities, strengths and weaknesses.
I am really not sure about how valid and accurate are the results of DMIT test….there is not much critical analysis available around.
But at least the analysis we got for our kids were really insightful.
DMIT tests have caught up in a big way in lot of schools and educational institutions in Mumbai.
Would be great if others can share their knowledge on this topic.
I had no clue such tests exist. Wow.