Receipt management

Receipts Receipts everywhere. Not a single zone spared.

Cannot throw them (for fear that things may need to be returned) and Cannot live with them. 🙂

Ideal scenario would be to have a machine to which you just feed receipts when you get back home. That machine keeps in memory the latest 3-4 months worth of receipts. You can then throw away the actual receipt and just get a printout of the receipt from the machine whenever you need it.

Where do you store your receipts? Currently we just stack them up one on top of another held together by a clipper.


  1. Prashant, Are you planning to take a break 🙂 Last week was clothes disposal, this week is receipts. Wondering if you are planning to take over Dimple’s task of better organizing your stuff or have received a warning from Dimple that you are not doing this and trying to find out how other fellow kutchi’s are managing their homes 😀
    Anyways regarding receipts some get thrown right away, those that need to be kept for further action if any go in a machine (read envelope 🙂 ) Most of them will be in the bag of item itself until the item is ready to be used or disposed.

  2. In a sense, I am trying to streamline some of the processes. I am taking up the things that frustrate me or on which i spend senseless time over and over again and trying to optimize it.

    So many times I have put off going that extra mile which will help in the long run of optimizing things. My mindset is now slowly changing towards doing things the right way even though initially it may take a bit longer to set things right. 😉

  3. Unlike clothes, receipt management goes on quite smoothly for me.
    We keep receipts in a dedicated box (which is lovingly handcrafted by me 😉 and shred them after say four weeks or so.
    The big ticket item receipts are preserved for much longer.

  4. It goes easy. I have kept 2 envelopes one envelope says shredding and the other one says to save. At the end of the month all the receipts are shredd from the envelop which says shredd and the other one we check and shredd. if is needed then it says in the same envelop.

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