A few of you had posed a question recently about a smartphone app for KV which made its way across the 7 seas into my ears. 🙂
I access KV via Safari on my Iphone and find it satisfying. But if you want to access KV via an App there is a way. Since we use WordPress for blogging, we can use the existing WordPress App on the SmartPhones.
1) Install the WordPress App
2) Click the “Add self-hosted WordPress blog” option
3) Provide your username and password that you use on kutchvalley.com
And Voila !!!. You have access to the main blog (kavita.kutchvalley.com) via an App. 🙂
The wordpress APP is a great way to check KV via smartphone. I have it installed but don’t use it that much.
But most people use smartphones these days and wondering if having a KV app would get these smartphone users to share more on KV ?