Qualities of Great Leaders

I was reading a book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins author of “Built To Last” about companies transforming them from Good to GREAT! The first point the author makes is about great leadership within these companies.

What do you think are the qualities of Good/Great Leaders? Any Anecdotes and stories would be great to read.


  1. Foresight/Vision would be one quality. Often leaders see the light at the end of the tunnel when others cannot at that moment in time. Eventually others see the light too but the leader detects it early.

  2. Come on KV leaders share your thoughts on qualities of great leaders?

  3. I think the vast amount of possible answers is one reason why people are shying away from replying. :-). However here are some qualities that i think leaders should have:

    1) Ability to motivate people:
    Often people have it in them. They just need to be motivated enough. I often feel motivated after some of the all-hands by some good leaders here at Yahoo!. 🙂

    2) Execution on the Vision:
    Having a vision is one thing and executing on it is another. Even if you dont have a grand vision, as long as you can execute efficiently on your goals you are a good leader.

    3) Rapport with the lowest rung on the ladder:
    Granted that you are top of the ladder, but If you can establish a rapport with the folks on the lowest rung that will motivate them that someone up there cares about them.

  4. I really liked this quote from one of Deep’s interviews (couldn’t find that article for the exact quote when i did a quick search) – “A great leader is the one who helps others succeed”.

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