JAINA sends two calendars each year. One full size wall calendar & one small desk calendar.
I use desk calendar at work. Anybody interested in having full size wall calendar?
Lets us know, we can pass on, next time we meet.
I also have calendars from past few years. What would be good way to recycle them?
Since they have pictures of various Derashar, is it okay to put them with newspaper in recycle bin?
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I use the desk calendar @ work and use the bigger one at home. And I share the same dilemma with you – how to dispose the calendars. I stored it for few years and put them in newspaper recycle bag this year.
Initially when we received the calenders I saved them for few years for proper disposal, but eventually recycled them. Would be great to know the proper disposal.
I recycle them too.
I recycle them along with the news paper.