Snow Trip 2010

Lot of folks asking me about snow trip this year. So time to make a post about it and gather feedback.

Where should we go and When should we go.

We can skip Leland High Sierra where we went past 2-3 years for tubing. This year we can try something else. Soda Springs is an option which offer activities for small children as well. Tubing + Skiing. Are there other places that offer kid friendly activities.

Regarding when shall we go, I assume people want to go on a Saturday. So that they can rest on Sunday. In fact some people can stay overnight at some hotel or house as well and have 2 days of snow activity.

The weather for Feb 13 (long weekend) shows snow right now. So that weekend could be out. If the weather forecast improves we can target this long weekend.

Feb 27 is out due to Pathshala sleepover weekend.

So for 1 day snow trip : Feb 20, Mar 6 are the dates.
For overnight snow trip: Mar 13 is the date (since no pathshala on this weekend).


  1. Well, I’ll jumpstart this thread. We are fine with any dates. Prefer the overnight trip.

  2. As of today, Sat Feb 13 shows Mostly Sunny. Sun/Monday showing snow.

  3. Feb 20 doesn’t work for us. Mar 6 or 13 will be better. Any place is fine.

  4. Just FYI some Nob Hill or Raley stores have $5.00 off coupon for tubing (not planet kids) for Soda Springs. Call ahead because not all stores have the coupons. Also we went a couple of weekends back and the lines were so long for tubing that after 3 times our kids were done (we got there around 12:30). So try to go early.

  5. Will try to go with the group

  6. Lets decide on Mar 13 for the Snow Trip. I am guessing Venue will mostly be soda springs. And folks can book overnight accomodation for themselves too. More details soon.

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