Do you remember Masala Bhangra & Other side? π Some of us do. And some us almost mastered it during DiwaliΓ’β¬β’05. We got introduce to Masala Bhangra during Jaina 2004. Afterward we got vol. 1 & 2 DVD from library and had group exercise session. Recently I came across Vol. 3 & 4.
Are you interested in having another set of group exercise sessions? Especially those who want to start regular exercise but cannot get around to it. π To begin with we can have four sessions, one for each vol.
Please indicate if you would like to join. Any ideas about where and when we can meet?
One option is we can meet in our garage on Pathshala Sundays. Drop kids bit early and exercise 10-11am.
Count me in. Milpitas would be a good meeting place considering we r in fremont.
Cool Dimple. 4 sessions seem lot of fun. Sat/Sun seem to be so busy these days, can Friday night be an option?
Bring a new Hindi movie on friday night. Usually it will have 5 songs. Each time a song starts everyone can dance along with the actors on TV.
Movie bhi dekh lengay, Aur Exercise bhi Saath mein. π
I may join sometime . I may not be able to come each time. But I do not want to miss this time .
So when’s the first session ?
We can meet this Sunday morning.
This Friday wont work, next week we can try for friday.
Looks like this week it will be just Dimple, Komal, Leena.
Neelam, would you be able to join this Sunday morning?
I guess after an hour of yoga Bhavini wont be up for another hr. of bhangra.
May be others need some Bhangra kick to get around it. If there is enough enthu we can plan to meet in South bay on some other time as well.
Count the Fremont Gala’s in the “Gala Premiere” of the Masala Bhangra Super Workout. π
This Sunday won’t work for me but would like to come next time.
I will try to join sometimes. but not this sunday!!
Count me in for this Sunday.
As I said my intentions are good and do want to start some exercise program on a regular basis but its always tomorrow (trait of a typical KUTCHI) so may be some other time.
at what time do you all plan to meet. I will certainly try to join.
We had nice session on Sunday attended by 8 enthusiastic. Next session will be on May 3rd. I will add event as we get closer.