KutchValley Appreciates Bhavini Gada with Above & Beyond

KutchValley Appreciates Bhavini with Above & Beyond

KutchValley Appreciates Bhavini with Above & Beyond

Bhavini Gada has been a major pillar of support for KutchValley in the past 15 years. She has initiated several KV events and led them to successful completion. She has been part of many event teams here at KutchValley and has been a major contributor to their success.

She has worked hard for uniting the KV community and keeping them involved. She is one of the few people who knows most of the community well and misses no chance to greet newcomers and old-timers alike and make them feel part of the community. She is an important backbone for most KV events. Rarely anything escapes her alert mind and hence she is always a great person to have on any KV event. Her contributions on the KV website, WhatsApp and other KV social media are very thoughtful, creative and helpful.

She excels at multi-tasking, “Getting a Job Done” is her forte and hence she is often loaded with tasks on multiple fronts. Like a Worker Bee she is always busy and working hard and at the same time Like a Good Leader she knows how to rally the team and slam-dunk success. Hence on occasion of 15 years of KutchValley we appreciate her contributions for the past 15 years with an “Above & Beyond” Award. This was given during KV’s 15th Camping Trip. She truly has gone Above & Beyond to bring KV to where it is now. We look forward to many more successful events with her.

Here is the video of her appreciation:


  1. Congrats Bhavini
    Keep it up..

  2. Big Applause for Busy Bee Bhavini! Thanks a lot for all your time, thoughts and efforts….. Bay Area KV would not be the same without your contribution

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