Hello KVites.
Hope all are enjoying springtime. ?
Its been two years since we moved back to India and a year since we left Pune and settled in Bombay. Hopefully we will not move again. Two back to back moves is tough, crazy but, we somehow swam through it. We moved to Bombay because Hiten started his Dairy production business here. Both of us quit our IT jobs with the US client.
Experience living in Pune and Bombay are very different. I have mentioned about pros and cons of living in Pune. Now, its time for Bombay.
1. We are very close to both our families so kids have built a great rapport with both sets of grandparents and great grandparents, cousins and extended family and LOVE it here. We live in the same building as Hiten’s parents; one floor apart. Kids keep running up and
2. In spite of being born and raised in Bombay, it took a while for us to settle here again as everything has changed in terms of people’s lifestyle, living in joint family, making new friends.
3. With all close family living in Bombay its tough to get away with social obligations which is overwhelming for me.
4. I miss working outside of home after working full time for more than 10 years; its tough to become a stay at home mom. Taking care of two boys, home and the activities at school keep me busy.
5. Infrastructure for kids (parks, zoo etc) is not good in Bombay compared to Pune. There are several good gaming arcades and bowling facility etc but that’s for older kids.
6. Traffic is a killer; we dread to get out during any time of the day. At 10:30pm on a regular day the freeway has a traffic jam or slow moving traffic.
7. Restaurants with new concepts and cuisines are popping up every other day in Bombay so that’s better than Pune.
8. Jain temples are everywhere near us in Bombay so kids go to temple everyday and go to pathsala which is a big plus for me.
9. Both kids have settled in the same school.
10. Celebrating festivals is way better in Bay Area than in Bombay for us. During Diwali nobody meets as all are gone for a holiday or meet at restaurant if in town. There are no potlucks or making of gughras in most of the houses. Same applies to most other festivals.
Its been an eventful journey. However, we miss Bay Area and KV group for all the events and fun activities we do there together.
Take care all.
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Good updates Ami. Good that you are enjoying Mumbai and company of family and friends.
You hit the nail right on head on certain points like
a) Traffic: Driving in India always caused a bit of tension for me. In Mumbai I always travel by train/rick to avoid taking out my own car.
b) I also found that Celebrations of Festivals is much better here in the Bay Area then in India. In Pune “Navratri” was pretty pheeka for us.
c) Parks and open spaces is what I missed a lot when we were in Mumbai/Pune.
Its good your kids are managing to visit temple regularly. Our temple visiting schedule was very off while in Pune. Here in the Bay Area, manage to visit temple on a more regular basis.
Nice to hear from you Ami.
Thats part of frustration that are no local parks or green spaces for kids to play.
Traffic is frustrating have used local trains for most times when I travel by myself. Cannot even dare to take kids in local trains…..
Really enjoy all the new concept restaurants and even more the local street food……