Proteins function as building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Healthy muscles improve strength, immunity and helps balance blood pressure and blood sugar levels. As a vegetarian, I am frequently asked this question ” whats your daily source of protein”. I asked this question in our KV Sakhi whatsapp group and received a lot of responses. Consolidating all responses so that all can benefit and refer in the future.
A variety of protein supplements are available in the market. Plant based as well as whey. Things that people consider while buying protein is the proportion of protein and fat. Within whey, there are different versions as well. the ones with less fat are more expensive.
If you aren’t a fan of supplements, here is a list of protein rich foods that could be consumed by staying closer to the source.
- Milk
- Paneer. (When you make Paneer, dont throw away the water. It is rich in protein. Use it in dal, roti dough etc.)
- Pulses
- Cheese
- Edamame beans
- Beans
- Oats
- Peanut Butter
- Quinoa
- greek yoghurt smoothie
- Sprouts Moong (they have more protein than boiled vegetables. add tomato, cucumber, lemon, chat masala)
- Chole
- White vatana
- Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds(Add in oatmeal or fruits yoghurt smoothies and also banana and strawberry milkshake.
- fish oil tablets (may not apply to vegetarians)
- Greens such as peas, broccoli, spinach, collards and kale.
- Seaweed. ( Need to try a few times to get accustomed to the taste. Not many sakhis like it.
- Tofu (too many conflicting theories around Tofu. Not sure which one is true. 1) Tofu Soy is not good for people with thyroid condition 2) Might be okay if consumed in small quantities and infrequently but particularly not good for boys/men 3) Asians eat a lot of soy and the intake has not affected their population because of estrogen factor in soy. Soy products in moderation can be consumed by men/boys and those with thyroid malfunction.
Note that there is another post on protein from 2012. Adding the link here for reference.
How do you ensure you and your family is getting sufficient protein in the daily diet?
Thanks a lot Kunjal for capturing the discussion here .